James is a much sought after corporate clean comedian and inspirational keynote speaker on the subjects of mental health, positivity, time management wellness, marketing, media and celebrating where you live and work. All keynote speeches are tailored for your group or organization. Download James’ CV by clicking here.

James Mullinger has performed his acclaimed, powerful and hilarious keynote speeches around the world. His presentations have inspired of thousands of people globally, performing for companies as varied as Grant Thornton, TD Canada, Stewart McKelvey, Irving Oil, Moosehead Breweries, GQ Magazine, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Atlantic Chamber of Commerce, Young Presidents’ Organization, United Church of Canada, Destination Canada, Sun Life, Construction Association of Nova Scotia, Road Builders Association, Crane Rental Association of North America, Immigration Symposium, Young Presidents’ Organization, Credit Association of Canada, Eye Recommend, Southwest Business Summit and hundreds more. James has performed for every Canadian Premier at their annual conference in 2018. He hosted the East Coast Music Awards in 2017, the EY Entrepreneur of The Year awards twice and has performed a series of shows at the Canadian Embassy in London’s Trafalgar Square.

Watch James’ keynote showreel video here.

Your conference, event or AGM will benefit hugely from James Mullinger’s uniquely inspiring, uplifting and hilarious motivational keynote speeches. The award-winning British writer, speaker, comedian offers five tailored presentations with interaction and visuals that will change the way you and your team, colleagues, delegates look at the world. James will teach how to work better, but not harder, achieve more and be happier while you are doing it. Productivity up, stress levels down. Time management, not anger management.

They are:

1. Anything is Possible! A hugely inspiring, uplifting and hilarious motivational keynote speech from the award-winning British writer, speaker, comedian about celebrating where you live and how adjusting your perceptions will drastically improve the way we all live, work and play. James’ hilarious and profound insights in to dealing with people and how you view the world will improve your life professionally as well as personally. James will teach your delegates how to apply his unique outlook to increase productivity, bring about balance, improve self care and, above all, provide powerful resilience in the workplace, the home and in the world at large!

2. Embrace Where You Live

3. The Secrets Of Stand Up: Live Comedy Techniques in Business

4. The Positive Healing of Humour in Work, Life & Play

5. Work Less, Achieve More, Be Happier.

Click here to download a PDF containing further information and references for James’ keynote speeches.

Read reviews from clients, bookers and audience members on his Facebook page here.

Jason A. Stephen, CIPS the President of the Canadian Real Estate Association booked James for a large scale event in Ottawa and had this to say:

“I had the pleasure of booking James for a gala dinner in Ottawa for the Canadian Real Estate Association in April of 2019. Within seconds, everyone was laughing at his unique, hilarious content, which showcased the Maritimes and Canada to an audience that consisted of all areas of Canada. James is a dynamic and engaging performer, appealing to an audience of all ages! He even incorporated my son into his act near the end and mingled with the crowd after the show, participating in the photo booth and conversations with many. James’ performance received amazing reviews – he was professional and a pleasure to work with. Based on survey results to our membership his performance was high rated by the attendees. I would highly recommend James for any future corporate or charity events – his show does not disappoint!”

And Andrew McGilligan of the New Brunswick Union booked James to perform a show for more than 3000 members via Zoom and said this: "The New Brunswick Union hosted a performance by James over Zoom on Feb 14. It was awesome. The show was hilarious, James made portions of it specific to our organization and reminded us about why we 're lucky to live in New Brunswick."

James has performed for thousands of teachers as part of Staff Appreciation Week. Feedback included:

“Best staff appreciation gift! Just what everyone needs right now. I have gone to a few of his shows and always enjoyed them. These virtual ones were no exception, humour was great as always and I enjoyed all the stories he told”

James’ background working for GQ magazine in England for fifteen years gives him a unique perspective and insight in to the inner workings of marketing, print media, digital media and social media. Having launched the GQ iPad edition and worked closely with everyone from Jerry Seinfeld to Paul Rudd on digital promotions for the magazine, his tale is unlike any other. Being at the forefront of the publishing and digital revolution gives him a tale that is unlike any you have heard. It will change the way you view your life and work and inspire your conference delegates. 

And his fish out of water perspective having left all this behind to live and work and thrive in New Brunswick, Canada makes it more uplifting and inspiring than most movies, let alone keynote speeches. Almost every show results in a standing ovation and glowing references are available upon request.

He is also well-known for his corporate clean after-dinner stand up sets. Each one is tailored specifically for your audience and he can follow any brief. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Email now for further details.


In addition to in-person events globally, since March 2020 James has also become one of the most in-demand virtual performers in Canada performing hundreds of shows via Teams and Zoom for companies as diverse and wide ranging as the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Atlantic Chamber of Commerce, Young Presidents’ Organization, United Church of Canada, New Brunswick Union, Destination Canada, Sun Life, City Of Fredericton, TD Insurance and Grant Thornton.


James works closely with and supports numerous charities. He volunteers at the Saint John Community Food Basket and has raised over $150,000 for Canadian charities since he moved here in 2014.




James is a Relay For Life member for 2016 and has been working closely with the Canadian Cancer Society on various events. He has already personally donated over $6000. You can read more about his work for them here



James donated funds from every ticket sale at his last Imperial Theatre show to this amazing charity. They do incredible work and need your support.



In his first year in the KV area, James raised and donated over $8000 to this vitally important organisation that work tirelessly with the police to save women's lives. In total he has personally raised and donated over $30,000 to help end the silence on domestic violence.





James has raised over £25,000 pounds for this incredible organisation that supports women who have experienced violence.



James has raised over £150,000 pounds for Prince Charles’ charity that support vulnerable young people.